Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today's Trivia Question

The theme for the week is The Moon.

Mooning the Cog” is a tradition in which hikers on the Appalachian trail bare their backsides to the Cog Railway on Mount Washington, the highest peak in the northeastern United States. In which state is Mount Washington located?

New Hampshire

Wednesday's Question
Keith Moon was the eccentric, self-destructive drummer for what famous rock band until his death from a drug overdose in 1978?

Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.

The Who

Tuesday's Question
Neil Armstrong was, famously, the first man to walk on the moon. Who was the second?

Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.

Buzz Aldrin

Monday's Question
Mistaken by ancient astronomers for an actual sea, in what basalt basin did the Apollo 11 lunar lander touch down?

Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.

The Sea of Tranquility

Come back tomorrow for a new trivia question!