Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today's Trivia Question

The theme for the week is the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.

The NATO Phonetic Alphabet code word for Q is Quebec. What is the capital of Quebec?
Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.

Quebec City

Wednesday's Question
In 2010, the Royal Shakespeare Company presented a real-time, improvised performance on Twitter called “Such Tweet Sorrow,” based on what William Shakespeare play, which has two NATO Phonetic Alphabet code words in its title?
Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.

Romeo and Juliet

Tuesday's Question
The NATO Phonetic Alphabet code word for W is whiskey. In what dry Tennessee city is Jack Daniel's whiskey distilled?

Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.


Monday's Question
The NATO Phonetic Alphabet is the name given to the words used in international aviation to represent individual letters: Alpha for A, Bravo for B, Charlie for C, etc. The code word for the letter I is the only one named for a country. What is it?

Highlight the white space below to reveal the answer.


Come back tomorrow for a new trivia question!